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Every Woman In The World (测试)
[upload=jpg]uploadImages/200251415163454497.jpg[/upload]Air Supply 空气给养合唱组
空气给养合唱组是澳大利亚的一个软摇滚合唱组,80年代初期风靡整个澳大利亚各大电台的节目之中。 事实上,空气给养合唱组是由Russell Hitchcock(罗素.希切考克)和Graham Russell(格莱姆.罗素) 为主要成员组成。期间,有很多其他人也加入进来过,但也只是作为背景声音与他们两个合作后离开。 Hitchcock和Russell是1976年在悉尼演出《超级明星耶稣基督》时相遇的。这两人组成伙伴关系,紧接着 加盟进来的有键盘手Frank Esler- Smith,吉他手David Moyse,贝司手David Green 和鼓手Ralph Cooper ----就这样,Air Supply 空气给养合唱组诞生了。
组成后的几年间,他们的专集"Love and Other Bruises"(《爱与其他伤痕》)在澳大利亚国内获得 很大成功,但并未得到国际上的注意。他们首次在国际上亮相是借Rod Stewart(罗德.斯德伍德)的帮助 称行的。他们随后于1980年与美国一家大唱片公司Arista签约,并于年底出了首张专辑,"Lost In Love" (迷失于爱)。凭借这张专辑,他们在美国获得巨大成功,共卖出2百万多万张唱片。紧接着,他们就又唱了 "All Out Of Love"(没有爱在身旁),"Every Woman In The World"(梦中女郎)。
第二年,他们出了 第二张专辑,"The One That You Love"(你所爱的人)。另外,还有两首歌也荣登全美十大金曲:"Here I Am (Just When I Thought I Was Over You)" "我在这里(正当我以为我已经把你忘记)"和 "Sweet Dreams"(甜美梦)。1983年,他们的名气有些跌落,但他们出的"Even The Nights Are Better" (夜晚更美丽);"Two Less Lonely People In The World"(两个不太孤独的人)仍然冲进了十大金曲。 1983年,他们出了“精选集”,"Making Love Out Of Nothing At All"(无所求取)在第二的位置停留了 两周,而整个“精选集”则爬到了第七的位置上。“精选集”最终卖出4百万套。
两年之后,他们出了四个专辑"Air Supply"(空气给养)。但听众显然减少了很多。该专辑也未能冲进 白金版中。1986年,他们再出的专辑“Heart In Motion"则更是默默无闻,指派在84的位置。这个“空气 给养合唱组”宣告解散。1991年,两个主唱Hitchcock 和Russell重又联袂,出了专辑"Earth Is ..." (地球在......),但成绩平平。
他们在中国很有知名度,主要原因是他们的歌曲旋律非常优美。有很多旋律人们耳熟能详,但只是 不知其含义而已。
Every Woman In The World
Every night seems dinner and wine
Saturday days
I was never in love,never had the time
In my hustle and hurried world
Laughing myself to sleep,waking uo lonely
I need someone to hold me,oh
It's such a crazy hometown
It can drag you down
Till you run out of dreams
So you party all night to the music and lights
But you don't know what happiness means
I was dancing in the dark with strangers
No love around me
When suddenly you found me,oh
Girl,you're every woman in the world to me
You're my fantasy,you"re my reality
Girl,you're every woman in the world to me
You're everthing I need,you're everything to me
Oh girl
Everything good,everything fine
That's what yoy are
So put ypur hand in mine and together we'll climb
As high as the highest star
I'm living the lifetime in every minute
That we're together
And I'm staying right here forever,oh
Girl,you're every woman in the world to me
You're my fantasy,you're my reality
Girl,you're every woman in the world to me
You're everything I need,you"re everything to me
Oh girl
关键词: Every Woman World 测试 他们
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